Recently started an arguably new part-time freelancing project that involves work which can be said to lay in the range of data-engineering to deployment on AWS bucket. Meaning analysis of data and supplying it in a pipeline that would reflect the ideals in the best format onto a Vue.js based front-end framework ultimately based on AWS infrastructure. Though after a dope introduction with React and Node, I now find JS frameworks pretty aesthetic. (Am I right? From weakly-typed to aesthetic; “the times they’re a-changin’”.)
It started a couple of months ago as earlier I used to work in the post of Python Services Developer which was narrowly aimed at data-analysis and processing (the data which would get supplied somewhere.) Now I have completed most of that part, so I’ve been introduced to another work as I described in first paragraph.
Since coming second-last semester isn’t too heavy in lieu of courses that require a lot of heavy hours (just Master’s Thesis and Computer Vision), so this would be very manageable and super interesting. Prolly going to post my experience a few weeks later.
This surprisingly turned out to be a very short journal. XD